Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Evaluations make judgments about worth on the basis of standards that may be conscious or unconscious. It can help us react quickly to situationd in which our survival is at stake . They are are not facts.Premature evaluations are hasty evaluations that contain unexamined or faulty support.Feelings and expectations affect both our perceptions and our evaluations.All of us need to learn how to make fair and sound evaluations because they affect our livers constantly.Connotative words convey evaluations that can be used to sway our opinions.Evaluations are used in advertising and journalism to persuade us, sometimes hynotically ,to make positive associations with products and purchase them.Critical thinking requires that we stay alert to manipulative advertising techniques that are most effective when we can be enticed to enter into a trance state.Propaganda used manys sophisticated manipulative techniques of persuasion